
God's Anointed Children (GAC)

Welcome to GAC, God’s Anointed Children.  This ministry is geared towards reading-aged children, 5-11. We are so excited to have the opportunity to minister to your child every 1st and 3rd Sunday in the fellowship hall during the 10:45 a.m. worship service. 

Our goal is to provide an atmosphere that is secure and comfortable for both you and your child.  We strive to place your child in a position where they can experience the love and joy of Christ through the Children’s ministry.  

GAC is led by Reverend Leonard and Sister Tammy Johnson of the Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist church.  They have a passion for working with children and are always looking for volunteers, new ideas or even suggestions. 

Click here if you would like a member of GAC to contact you. 

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Children, from infants to 5 years of age, experience Jesus through music, puppet ministry and stories as well as various art activities.  The nursery staff is here to meet both spiritual and physical needs during their time of care.  Children are provided a safe and comfortable atmosphere with careful supervision.

Click here if you would like a member of the Nursery/Childcare Ministry to contact you. 

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The Pilgrim Rest Educational Preparedness Ministry, more commonly referred to as PREP, is equipped with the mission of promoting educational opportunities for the members of Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church through workshops, scholarship information, college tours, and leadership opportunities. The PREP Ministry believes by providing additional information for students outside of the classroom, we can continue to instill the importance of education, and provide support and guidance to prepare our youth from both an educational and Christian perspective.
Although our programming is geared towards high school students, PREP programming is open to any member seeking to further his or her education. 

For more information about PREP or its initiatives, please contact us at

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Usher Board #3

If you are between the ages of 5-18 and love to serve the Lord, the youth usher board is for you!  The youth usher board greets and seats members of the congregation and helps maintain order during worship services.

The youth usher board meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary and works the fourth Sunday of each month at the 8 am and 10:45 am services. 

Click here if you would like a member of the Usher Board Ministry to contact you.

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Worship & Fine Arts Youth Ministries

The Worship & Fine Arts Ministry is excited about what the Lord is doing with our youth.  Our youth are taught the importance of their "role" in any worship service, which is to set the presence for the Holy Spirit and to be an instrument of God's praise.  In addition to singing and dancing, outreach and community service is a requirement for all WFAM youth members.  We invite you to become a member of our family by exploring the youth ministry opportunities below.   

  • The Guiding Light Choir is comprised of children, grades Pre-K through 5, and ministers traditional, contemporary and gospel music arranged for children.
  • The Voices of Praise Youth Choir consists of youth, grades 6 through 12, and ministers a mix of alternative and contemporary Christian songs.
  • The Essence of Praise dance ministry is comprised of children in grades Pre-K through 5.  The Essence of Praise allows young girls and boys to minister through dance. It is also an opportunity for their gift to be nurtured by anointed instructors.
  • The Shabach Praise Dance team is open to students, grades 6 through 12. This group, on occasion, ministers with the Tribe of Judah, our adult dance team.

Click here if you would like a member of the WFAM Youth Ministry to contact you.

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Young Active Christians (YAC)

YAC (Young Active Christians) provides an atmosphere in which we educate and enhance the spiritual core of our youth.  Instilling in them a solid biblical foundation, they are equipped to overcome challenges of today’s society.  Our goal is to promote confidence and spiritual maturity that will allow youth not to be ashamed, but to be Souled Out for Christ.

YAC is led by Youth Pastor Shawn Torres, who desires to see every child and youth transformed into the person God wants them to be.

We invite all youth between the ages of 13 and 18, as well as college students, to join us each 1st and 3rd Sunday as we focus on the Word of God and develop our youth to become the church of tomorrow.

Click here if you would like a member of YAC to contact you. 

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